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(%Read) The Last Days of the Dinosaurs: An Asteroid, Extinction, and the Beginning of Our World [BOOK]


11 de enero, 2023 21:00

00:00 / 00:02

## Get Free ePub The Last Days of the Dinosaurs: An Asteroid, Extinction, and the Beginning of Our World by Riley Black
### The Last Days of the Dinosaurs: An Asteroid, Extinction, and the Beginning of Our World
#### [#] Download Here : -the-last-days-of-the-dinosaurs" target="new">The Last Days of the Dinosaurs: An Asteroid, Extinction, and the Beginning of Our World
In The Last Days of the Dinosaurs, Riley Black walks readers through what happened in the days, the years, the centuries, and the million years after the impact, tracking the sweeping disruptions that overtook this one spot, and imagining what might have been happening elsewhere on the globe. Life?s losses were sharp and deeply-felt, but the hope carried by the beings that survived sets the stage for the world as we know it now.Picture yourself in the Cretaceous period. It?s a sunny afternoon in the Hell Creek of ancient Montana 66 million years ago. A Triceratops horridus ambles along the edge of the forest. In a matter of hours, everything here will be wiped away. Lush verdure will be replaced with fire. Tyrannosaurus rex will be toppled from their throne, along with every other species of non-avian dinosaur no matter their size, diet, or disposition. They just don?t know it yet.The cause of this disaster was identified decades ago. An asteroid some seven miles across slammed into Leer más
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